Some people can't imagine how to carry the whole cake, so they settle for a slice, or worse nothing. You only get one ride in this vessel, and your ride isn't guaranteed any length of time. Faced with these facts, many people create boundaries, limitations, basically excuses.One thing leads to nothing and before you know it tomorrow is today and you have wasted so much. Don't create regrets today, do what you can even if it isn't perfect. A nurse revealed the most common regrets people had at the end of their lives, and the general theme to all of them is to keep trying, loving, exploring and being true to yourself. Below we've highlighted the surest ways to waste your life.
You Keep Yourself Overwhelmed
From clubbing, massive theater screens, surround sound, neighbors that live ten feet away to advertisements everywhere possible, modern society is defined by ever present stimulus. The constant noise drowns out our voice but also buries our fears and doubts. The new age version of a base line is the most mentally and spiritually numb state that people have lived. While the bad is generally muted and we can't feel the effects of life's pains as clearly, we also trade our propensity for the joys and positivity. People either fear the lows so badly or even worse believe that they don't deserve the highs. The choice to simply exist and not life should never warrant hesitation.
You Waste Time Not Making Or Avoid Decisions
When faced with infinite choices, we get caught up in trying to make the 'perfect decision'. The choice that will make everything perfect and grant our every desire, scaring off any fear. We seem to forget that we are in control of our lives and have the right to change our minds or direction at any time, for any reason. Indecision leads to stagnation. If you don't stay moving and pro-actively make moves you feel is right, life will do it for you. You will be in a constant state of reacting, trying to keep your head above water. This doesn't mean you have to move at breakneck-speeds all the time, but give your needs voice and honor your heart's desires. You Surround Yourself With Pointless Distractions More than half of the activities and products in this country are specifically aimed at killing time, to get through one more day. Distractions are a sneaky and absurdly prevalent vice. Looking at your phone for the time can turn into an hour of reading celebrity facts in the blink of an eye. Tomorrow is not guaranteed, so our time is precious and needs to be valued and well partitioned. There is a difference between wasting time and taking a break. Waste less time, take more breaks, and most of all pay attention to what ever you are doing. Be present. You Trade Self Discipline For Instant Gratification Self discipline is the greatest gift you can create for yourself. Developing your will power, training your focus, developing awareness are just a few of the benefits of enforcing discipline on yourself. The only thing you truly control in life, is yourself. You can't truly force others to do something if they absolutely don't want to. You can't change the seasons or cheat death. You can control what you choose to do in life and the attitude you nurture. The pleasures of instant gratification do not build character or help you achieve any productive goal. You may feel unfocused and direction-less, so you choose to waste time, waiting for your 'higher purpose' to reveal itself. Life never works like that, but if it did and your purpose was revealed, would you have the internal resources to complete it? You don't have to know where you're going but you will benefit from traveling anyway. You Never Truly Acknowledge Your Fears Fear is a powerful force that prevails in ignorance. You can't ignore a concern and expect it to go away. Ignoring your dread gives that formation the free reign to grow and maximize its effects on your life and psyche. People don't acknowledge fear for many different reasons. They are afraid of the extent of their terror, that they won't be able to conquer it. They may not want to dent their pride by admitting they could be afraid of anything. Not confronting fear is like choosing to not accept the rising tide and being surprised when you can't breathe. Look beyond your ego, any of your formations only have the influence that it is given. You Stay Continually Busy There is a difference between staying busy and being productive. Most people stay busy, working harder instead of of smarter. Staying constantly occupied is like the sum of all the previous points. You internally keep yourself overwhelmed, engaging in tasks that truly only pass the time. Not everything you do is your greatest task or among the most defining moments of your life. There are menial things we do that help sustain our quality of life. You know when you are not working on what you should. Stay mindful of what's on your list and try to keep it to the essential tasks. |
Friday, 8 July 2016
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