Monday, 2 January 2017
Posted: 30 Nov 2016 02:11 AM PST
1. Remove make up
Always before going to bed remove the make. Allow your pores to breath and prevent them from clogging. Clogging pores cause appearance of dark spots, acne and damages to the skin. Always use a moisturizer after make-up removal.
Always before going to bed remove the make. Allow your pores to breath and prevent them from clogging. Clogging pores cause appearance of dark spots, acne and damages to the skin. Always use a moisturizer after make-up removal.
2. Use a toner
Before going to bed at night, clean the face with a toner. In this way, you restore the natural pH levels of the skin by bettering its resistance to bacteria and other microorganisms. A toner will not only clean your skin, but it will also hydrate and energize it.
3. Brush your teeth
This habit is concerning also health issues. By keeping the mouth hygiene you are preventing of appearance of microorganism in the mouth, infection, germs and cavities.
4. Applications of eye cream
Cream that will hydrate the thin layers of skin under the eyes is the best to be applied after make-up removing. The cream will hydrate the skin and lower the visibility of dark circles, wrinkles around that area.
5. Application of petroleum jelly on the feet
After showering, wash your feet with warm water and apply some foot cream or petroleum jelly and massage them gently. In this way, you prevent the occurrence of cracked heels and dry patches.
6. Silk pillowcase
Silk is rich with 18 essential acids and lots of natural proteins that will help in the process of maintaining the skin young and healthy. Tangling, damaging and knotting of the hair will be prevented as well.
7. Beauty sleep
In order to recharge our batteries we need seven or eight hours of sleep. In this time the cells regenerate and grow. Also enough sleep is good for the young look and prevent occurrence of wrinkles, dark circles etc.
Go to bed earlier and without your phone, turn off the TV and first enjoy a shower or warm bath.
8. Pin up the hair
Always sleep with your hair tied up because you will not only prevent hair tangling, but the hair won’t touch your face while you sleep. This is important because the hair contains dirt and oils that are known to cause pimples and acne.
9. Utilize a toner
Before going to bed during the evening, clean the face with a toner. Along these lines, you reestablish the characteristic pH levels of the skin by bettering its imperviousness to microbes and different microorganisms. A toner won’t just clean your skin, however it will likewise hydrate and invigorate it.
10. Apply a hand cream
Before you go to rest, wash the hands with cleanser and warm water, pat them dry, and after that apply hand cream. Along these lines, your hands will look sound, delicate, and revived.
my wedding day, I carried my wife in my arms. The bridal car stopped in
front of our one-room flat. My buddies insisted that I carry her out of
the car in my arms. So I carried her into our home. She was then plump
and shy. I was a strong and happy bridegroom.
This was the scene of ten years ago.
following days were as simple as a cup of pure water: we had a kid, I
went into business and tried to make more money. When the assets were
steadily increasing, the affections between us seemed to ebb. She was a
civil servant. Every morning we left home together and got home almost
at the same time. Our kid was studying in a boarding school. Our
marriage life seemed to be enviably happy. But the calm life was more
likely to be affected by unpredictable changes. Dew came into my life.
It was a sunny day. I stood on a spacious balcony.
Dew hugged me from behind. My heart once again was immersed in her stream of love. This was the apartment I bought for her. Dew said, You are the kind of man who best draws girls eyeballs. Her words suddenly reminded me of my wife. When we just married, my wife said, Men like you, once successful, will be very attractive to girls. Thinking of this, I became somewhat hesitant. I knew I had betrayed my wife.
I couldn't help doing so. I moved Dew's hands aside and said, You go to
select some furniture, O.K.? I've got something to do in the company.
she was unhappy, because I had promised her to go and see with her. At
the moment, the idea of divorce became clearer in my mind although it
used to be something impossible to me. However, I found it rather
difficult to tell my wife about it. No matter how mildly I mentioned it
to her, she would be deeply hurt. Honestly, she was a good wife.
evening she was busy preparing dinner. I was sitting in front of the
TV. The dinner was ready soon. Then we watched TV together. Or, I was
lounging before the computer, visualizing Dews body. This was the means
of my entertainment. One day I said to her in a slight joking way,
suppose we divorce, what
you do? She stared at me for a few seconds without a word. Apparently
she believed that divorce was something too far away from her. I
couldn't imagine how she would react once she got to know I was serious.
my wife went to my office, Dew had just stepped out. Almost all the
staff looked at my wife with a sympathetic eye and tried to hide
something while talking with her. She seemed to have got some hint. She
gently smiled at my subordinates. But I read some hurt in her eyes.
Once again, Dew said to me, He Ning, divorce her, O.K.? Then we live together. I nodded. I knew I could not hesitate any more. When my wife served the last dish, I held her hand. I've got something to tell you, I said. She sat down and ate quietly. Again I observed the hurt in her eyes. Suddenly I didn't know how to my mouth. But I had to let her know what I was thinking. I want to divorce. I raised a serious topic calmly. She didn't seem to be much annoyed by my words, instead she asked me softly, why? I'm serious.
avoided her question. This so-called answer turned her angry. She threw
away the chopsticks and shouted at me, you are not a man! At that
night, we didn't talk to each other. She was weeping. I knew she wanted
to find out what had happened to our marriage. But I could hardly give
her a satisfactory answer, because my heart had gone to Dew. With a deep
sense of guilt, I drafted a divorce agreement which stated that she
could own our house, our car, and 30% stake of my company. She glanced
at it and then tore it into pieces. I felt a pain in my heart.
woman who had been living ten years with me would become a stranger one
day. But I could not take back what I had said. Finally she cried
loudly in front of me, which was what I had expected to see. To me her
cry was actually a kind of release. The idea of divorce which had
stressed me for several weeks seemed to be firmer and clearer.
A late night, I came back home after entertaining my clients. I saw her writing something at the table. I fell asleep fast. When I woke up, I found she was still there. I turned over and was asleep again. She brought up her divorce conditions: she didn't want anything from me, but I was supposed to give her one month s time before divorce, and in the month's time we must live as normal life as possible. Her reason was simple: our son would finish his summer vacation a month later and she didn't want him to see our marriage was broken. She passed me the agreement she drafted, and then asked me, He Ning, do you still remember how I entered our bridal room on the wedding day? This question suddenly brought back all those wonderful memories to me. I nodded and said, I remember.
carried me in your arms, she continued, so, I have a requirement, that
is, you carry me out in your arms on the day when we divorce. From now
to the end of this month, you must carry me out from the bedroom to the
door every morning. I accepted with a smile. I knew she missed those
sweet days and wished to end her marriage with a romantic form. I told
Dew about my wife s divorce conditions. She laughed loudly and thought
it was absurd. No matter what tricks she does, she has to face the
result of divorce, she said scornfully. Her words more or less made me
feel uncomfortable.
wife and I hadn't had any body contact since my divorce intention was
explicitly expressed. We even treated each other as a stranger. So when I
carried her out for the first day, we both appeared clumsy. Our son
clapped behind us, daddy is holding mummy in his arms. His words brought
me a sense of pain. From the bedroom to the sitting room, then to the
door, I walked over ten meters with her in my arms. She closed her eyes
and said softly, Let us start from today, don t tell our son. I nodded,
feeling somewhat upset. I put her down outside the door. She went to
wait for bus, I drove to office.
the second day, both of us acted much more easily. She leaned on my
chest. We were so close that I could smell the fragrance of her blouse. I
realized that I hadn't looked at this intimate woman carefully for a
long time. I found she was not young any more. There were some fine
wrinkles on her face. On the third day, she whispered to me, The outside
garden is being demolished. Be careful when you pass there. On the
fourth day, when I lifted her up, I seemed to feel that we were still an
intimate couple and I was holding my sweetheart in my arms. The
visualization of Dew became vaguer.
the fifth and sixth day, she kept reminding me something, such as,
where she put the ironed shirts, I should be careful while cooking, etc.
I nodded. The sense of intimacy was even stronger. I didn't tell Dew
about this. I felt it was easier to carry her. Perhaps the everyday
workout made me stronger. I said to her, It seems not difficult to carry
you now. She was picking her dresses. I was waiting to carry her out.
She tried and tried a few but could not find a suitable one.
turned my face because I was afraid I would change my mind at the last
minute. I held her in my arms, walking from the bedroom, through the
sitting room, to the hallway. Her hand surrounded my neck softly and
naturally. I held her body tightly, as if we came back to our wedding
day. But her much lighter weight made me sad. On the last day, when I
held her in my arms I could hardly move a step. Our son had gone to
school. She said, Actually I hope you will hold me in your arms until we
are old.
held her tightly and said, Both you and I didn't notice that our life
was lacking of such intimacy. I jumped out of the car swiftly without
locking the door. I was afraid any delay would make me change my
decision. I walked upstairs. Dew opened the door. I said to her, Sorry,
Dew, I won t divorce. I'm serious. She looked at me, astonished. Then
she touched my forehead. You got no fever. She said. I moved her hand
off my head. Sorry, Dew, I said, I can only say sorry to you, I won't
marriage life was boring probably because she and I didn't value the
details of life, not because we didn't love each other any more. Now I
understand that since I carried her into the home, she gave birth to our
child, I am supposed to hold her until I am old. So I have to say sorry
to you. Dew seemed to suddenly wake up. She gave me a loud slap and
then slammed the door and burst into cry. I walked downstairs and drove
to the office. When I passed the floral shop on the way, I ordered a
bouquet for my wife which was her favorite. The salesgirl asked me to
write the greeting words on the card. I smiled and wrote, " I'll carry
you out every morning until we are old... "
evening I arrived home,flowers in my hands, a smile on my face, I run
up stairs, only to find my wife in the bed - dead. My wife had been
fighting CANCER for months and I was so busy with DEW
even notice. She knew that's he would die soon and she wanted to save
me from the whatever negative reaction from our son, in case we push
through with the divorce.— At least, in the eyes of our son—- I’m a
loving husband….
small details of your lives are what really matter in a relationship.
It is not the mansion, the car, property, the money in the bank. These
create an environment conducive for happiness but cannot give happiness
in themselves.
find time to be your spouse’s friend and do those little things for
each other that build intimacy. Do have areal happy marriage!
If you don’t share this, nothing will happen to you.
If you do, you just might save a marriage. Many of life’s failures are people who
How could you have thought of that? I can never love you, so forget about me and get engaged to someone else OF your level”
But somehow the boy could not forget her so easily…..Some time 10 years later they stumbled into each other in a shopping mall.
The lady again said….,”Hey.. ! You! How are you? Now I’m married and do you know how much my husband’s salary is..? $15,700 per month! Can you beat that? And he is also very smart”
The guy’s eyes got wet with tears on hearing those words from the same lady….
A few seconds later, her husband came around but before the lady could say a word her husband seeing the guy, said……
“Sir you’re here and you’ve met my wife..” Then he said to his wife,”This is my boss, I’m also one of those working on his $100 million project!
And do you know a fact my dear? My boss loved a lady but he couldn’t win her heart….That’s why he has remained unmarried since.
How lucky would that lady have been, if she had married this my boss now? These days, who would love someone that much he said all these to his wife.
The lady looked in total shock but couldn’t utter a word….
Final Words:
Life is so short and it’s just like a mirror.
You can only see as much as it reflects. So don’t be too arrogant or proud by looking down on others because of their current situations.
Things get changed with time just like the weather..! Don’t underestimate anyone because everyone has a different story!
Every man needs a woman when his life is a mess. Because just like a game of chess, the Queen protects a King.
woman needs one man in her life who is strong and responsible. Given
this security, she can proceed to do what she really wants to do-fall in
love with men who are weak and irresponsible. ~ Richard J. Needham
A GOOD WOMAN can only take so much. Don't underestimate her desire be happy even if it means moving on without you.
healthy relationship between two people is one of the best things in
life. People in love – relationships are often not aware of the hidden
problems. Not knowing the problem on time can lead to break up or
unhealthy struggling relationship. Hugging can be excellent indicator if
something missing or should be fixed.
If you by some chance find yourself in this article try to fix as soon as you can and avoid the unpleasant moment of losing your loved one in awkward break up.
Here are three types of hugs that deserve some attention:
1. The Hugging Like It Is End Of The World
This hug is most known by the name Deadlock – this is a tight hug when you or your partner wants to let go. The meaning of this hug is that you are in a serious relationship and you are about each other a lot and apparently you don’t want to get apart ever. This hug is normal if it happens after you haven’t seen in a while. Nut if it happens very often – like almost everyday means that you/your partner have fears of losing each other. This can lead to serious problems and need to be fixed as soon as possible.
2. The Minimal Contact Hug
Hugging a person with minimal contact or particularly with the lower body apart is surely a warning sign. This means that one or both in this relationship are uncomfortable with each other. If you are practicing this hug a lot than you should consider of dealing with some problems. This hug indicates that someone in the relationship has issues with getting close.
3. The Hugging With Legs Wrapped Around Your WaistHugging a person with minimal contact or particularly with the lower body apart is surely a warning sign. This means that one or both in this relationship are uncomfortable with each other. If you are practicing this hug a lot than you should consider of dealing with some problems. This hug indicates that someone in the relationship has issues with getting close.
This hug represents great physical attraction among partners and passionate relationship. For sure you two have interesting and fulfilled life between the bedroom sheets.
Posted: 06 Dec 2016 02:37 AM PST
Today we are sharing female habits or you can say female behaviors that men found absolutely loving. Have a look.
Men love when a woman puts her head on their chest. Then they feel like real men who give their loved one a sense of security.
not just about the physical pleasure resulting from stroking his head.
Men receive the caress as an expression of love, affection and need for
contact from the partner.
It’s obvious – men love it when the public appreciates them.
This Make him feel love.
The guy incredibly happy when you give him to understand that you think of him even being busy with something else.
a woman no longer gets frustrated and upset with you, you can almost
guarantee that she doesn't care anymore. Silence is deadly.
being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for
silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their
own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it's all
over. ~ Octavia E. Butler
durable things are built on violent passion. Nature grows her plants in
silence and in darkness, and only when they have become strong do they
put their heads above the ground. ~ Annie Besant
love my friends and family, but I also love it when they can't find me
and I can spend all day reading or walking all alone, in silence, eight
thousand miles away from everyone. All alone and unreachable in a
foreign country is one my most favorite possible things to be.
~ Elizabeth Gilbert
A Mom visits her son for dinner who lives with a girl roommate.
the course of the meal, his mother couldn’t help but notice how pretty
his roommate was. She had long been suspicious of a relationship between
the two, and this had only made her more curious…
the course of the evening, while watching the two interact, she started
to wonder if there was more between him and his roommate than met the
Reading his mom’s thoughts, his son volunteered,
“I know what you must be thinking, but I assure you, we are just roommates.”
About a week later, his roommate came to him saying,
“Ever since your mother came to dinner, I’ve been unable to find the silver plate. You don’t suppose she took it, do you?”
He said, “Well, I doubt it, but I’ll email her, just to be sure.”
He sat down and wrote:
Dear Mother,
not saying that you ‘did’ take the silver plate from my house, I’m not
saying that you ‘did not’ take the silver plate. But the fact remains
that it has been missing ever since you were here for dinner.
Love, your son.
Several days later,
he received an email from his Mother which read…
Dear Son,
not saying that you ‘do’ and I’m not saying that you ‘do not’. But the
fact remains that if she was sleeping in her OWN bed, she would have
found the silver plate by now, under her pillow.
Love, Mom.
Anything that happens in our lives is always for a purpose. If you take it positively, you’ll benefit from it, but if you take the vice versa, it’ll break you.
No matter what happens to you in life, you control how you feel and react to things.

My silence means I am tired of fighting and now there is nothing left to fight for. My silence means I am tired of explaining my feelings to you but now I don’t have the energy to explain them anymore. My silence means I have adapted to the changes in my life and I don’t want to complain. My silence means I am on a self healing process and I am trying to forget everything I ever wanted from you. My silence means I am just trying to move on gracefully with all my dignity. ~ Aarti Khurana
8 Signs You Have A Man Who Will Love You Forever
So, if you have kissed your prince and he still hasn’t changed into frog, it’s safe to say you found a winner.
is nothing better than being in love. You have a bounce in your step,
and simply thinking about him sends you to Cloud 9. Finding Mr. Right
can be challenging, but if you are fortunate enough to pin him down,
here are eight definite signs that he is yours for keeps.
Pampered Princess
your guy make you feel like royalty even when you are not so charming?
If so, then it’s a pretty good sign he wants to be with you forever.
Most men will be nice, but it doesn’t mean he is thinking long term.
It’s when he has no problem showing you and the rest of the world (even
his friends) that you are his queen.
The Couple
a guy uses “we” instead of “me”, it’s a surefire sign he is head over
heels in love. Men who only refer to themselves aren’t really worried if
it turns sour. Men who are committed want people to know he is off the
market and has no problem saying it.
Let Me Help You
can bet your bottom dollar that if your Prince Charming is all ears
when you have a problem, he is in it for the long haul. When he stays
awake wondering how to solve your problems only to make you happy, he is
in love.
Talks About Your Future
who are simply killing time with you until something better comes their
way, don’t talk about where he sees the two of you in the future
(unless he is a sociopath). Men who think they have found the one will
talk about things down the road like next Christmas or where to go for
summer vacation. This is a definite sign you are the yin to his yang.
In Tune
your man thinks you are a beauty, but does his face light up when you
enter the room? Men who are totally gaga for you simply radiate when
they see you, and they can’t hide it. Even when you look like you stuck
your finger into a light socket, in their eyes, nobody compares.
Oh Those Four Little Words
tell you that he thinks you are the one. Not to be confused with talk
about the future, but when used in combination, it’s highly likely that
somewhere down the road, you will be seeing some bling. (Think
Just You
holds your opinion in high regard, and you are the first person he
wants to tell everything to. Good or bad, you are his rock. Thumbs up!
family hints about how he feels about you. You know, when he walks out
of the room, and his mom tells you that she overheard him telling his
dad that he thinks you are the perfect woman for him. Keep in mind
ladies, this is probably the only time you will appreciate her
eavesdropping.So, if you have kissed your prince and he still hasn’t changed into frog, it’s safe to say you found a winner.
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"Anyone who does anything to help a child in his life is a hero to me." --- Fred Rogers
My Silence Means ? My silence means I am tired of fighting and now there is nothing left to fight for. My silence means I am tired...
My Silence Means ? My silence means I am tired of fighting and now there is nothing left to fight for. My silence means I am t...
The way you HUG your PARTNER says about THE RELATIONSHIP Having healthy relationship between two people is one of the best things in...